The “unprecendented” nightmare of 2020 ended and with it 2021 rolled around, yet not a much has changed for a lot of us..

Nevertheless, many people see the change in Gregorian calendar a kick start to achieving their dreams of better wellbeing or mastering a new skill. Lots of people’s goals and resolutions usually include physical feats and challenges and that's no different for us here at Bearhug.

The Cardiff Half is cemented in our calendar each year for team participation and 2020 was no different (we were pretty upset about losing the opportunity to run around Cardiff in our underwear). Unfortunately, with it’s postponement we were still left with that challenge itch needing to be scratched so we turned to virtual racing.. 

In January we participated in the Run 4 Wales Virtual 10k! 

Some of us ran around city streets, others on treadmills in garages and some across wide open hills (no underwear in sight), we took part from anywhere at anytime during January!

Participation in these events is never about winning for Bearhug.. it’s about getting out of your comfort zone, challenging yourself and using the support of the pack to help motivate you when the time comes.
Here what some of the team had to say about participating in the event:

“The January 10k was a brilliant challenge to start the year, one way where the amazing pack were all 'together' - albeit not physically - but were all there for each other, supporting and helping us to achieve the goal at the end of the month. The Bearhugs were worn a lot this month that's for sure! Thanks for the challenge and the help to get there too.” 

Jenny Smith 



“Last year I got into a good rhythm of setting dates to do longer runs than I was used to. I liked the challenge and I liked working towards a goal. My last long run was before christmas. Since that date I hadn’t run at all- not even for the bus- who’s running for a bus these days anyway? But I said I would run a 10k for run4wales along with my team in the month of January, a brilliant cause! The weeks rolled and I hadn’t run, lack of motivation to get back out perhaps? But I managed to do it in one go, all be it a little slower than usual but felt so good after and it has given a burst of motivation to keep it up! So grateful I said yes to that run, not only for the cause but because it did me the world of good too! Running really can be a saviour to your mind and body! Advice to any one out there just book in a date and commit to it. Even if you’re doing it alone, book it in for yourself and you won’t regret it!”


Maria Reed



“A great way to get the year started, although a challenge carrying an injury all month. The need to not let the team down though ensured I did it!”

Rhys George