How To Stick To Your New Year Goals

How To Stick To Your New Year Goals

, by Alexander Davies, 4 min reading time

The time when we traditionally make new year resolutions, dropping bad habits and creating new, better habits in order to reach our goals. But how do we stick to them for 12 months?

It’s New Year again! Welcome 2019!

The time when we traditionally make new year resolutions, dropping bad habits and creating new, better habits in order to reach our goals. Every year some of the most popular resolution choices every year are to do with our personal wellbeing, health and fitness. 

What are your fitness and health goals this year? 

Are you planning to join a local gym, lose a few pounds, or rekindle your love of playing sport socially or competitively? Whatever your goals, you will agree with me that making a New Year resolution is easy but staying on course to achieve these goals is something altogether different. In most cases we start the year in high gear, focused to get that physically fit body and healthy mind, only to lose momentum and sight of our goals after a few short weeks. 

The tips below from the Bearhug team will help you to break this cycle this year and remain committed to your New Year goals.

1.      Have The Right Mentality

To remain focused to your fitness resolutions, be prepared not only physically, but also mentally. You need to first believe in yourself and have confidence in your ability. Maintain a positive attitude towards your target and start viewing yourself, as if you have already achieved the goals. This will increase your willingness and commitment to continue even when you feel like giving up. 

2.     Set 'SMART' Goals

One of the common mistakes that we make when making our fitness goals is being over ambitious and impatient with ourselves. This can frustrate you along the way, forcing you to abandon your road to health and fitness. To succeed with your resolutions this year, your goals needs to be ‘SMART’. What does this mean?

·     S – Specific: Set clear goals that contribute to what you really want to achieve, don’t become distracted along the way. 

·     M – Measurable: Set your target in a way that is tangible, so you can evaluate whether you are moving in the right direction. For example, if your goal is to run a half marathon, you will need to increase your running distance by a mile a month to reach your goal within 12 months.  

·     A – Attainable: If you set your goals too high, you may lose hope on the way. Nobody has said can’t reset your goals half way through the year if you achieve them early, this emphasises the importance of the measurability of a goal.

·     R – Relevant: Ensure small changes we make are relevant to the end goal. Considerations also need to be given to your current lifestyle and profession and how you can accommodate change. Remember, marginal gains are the key to success. 

·     T - Timed-based: Deadlines are important. We are used to them, we have them in school, university and in our work place, but where your resolution is concerned they turn a resolution into a goal.  

3.     Make it Social and Fun

Exercising with your friend(s) or with a group of others can be a great source of motivation. Look for like-minded friends and plan workouts that suit you. Plus, you can join a sports club, gym or fitness class. This will make your exercise sessions more enjoyable, it’s also important to learn on your resolution journey. Placing yourself in a social environment enables this, whether it be from friends, personal trainers or sports coaches. 

4.    Reward your Achievements

It is important to track your progress and acknowledge your journey. Congratulate yourself with a treat or a gift that doesn’t contradict your resolutions whenever you reach a milestone or target.

5.     Keep Going

You need to understand that not everything will fall into your plan, but whatever the case, you need to keep trying. Even when you fail to achieve a given goal within the set time, don’t give up. Try and try again and at the end, when you reflect you will be surprised at how far you’ve come and how much you will have achieved. 

It is important to have your mind focused on your goals right from the start of the year. However, sticking to these can be tough, but with the right mentality and approach you can stay faithful to your New Year resolutions.


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