Are you an everyday athlete?
, by Rhys George, 3 min reading time
, by Rhys George, 3 min reading time
We know that our pack love nothing more than getting active. However, as we get older, we know that we need to work harder to stay fit, and not let those niggles, aches and pain stop us from pursuing an active lifestyle. Through Strength Matters, we recently came across the concept of ‘Everyday Athletes’ which really resonated with us.
Through Strength Matters, we recently came across the concept of ‘Everyday Athletes’ which really resonated with us. Here, founder of Strength Matters, James Breese, tells us more about the concept and how his approach can help everyday athletes over thirty lose weight, get stronger and live better.
Most of us would agree that we aspire to live a healthy and active lifestyle, but the question is do we prioritise it?
The first thing to bear in mind is that being an everyday athlete is a lifestyle. Everyday athletes pursue performance but not at the sacrifice of longevity, keeping health at the forefront of their minds. You have to accept that there are no short cuts or quick fixes. Everyday athletes work hard, knowing that they will reap the rewards in the long run.
As an everyday athlete, you won’t be limited to the confines of a gym. The gym is simply a tool for maximizing life’s experiences. You need to live for being outside the gym and not limit yourself to any one tool, activity, or methodology.
It’s also important to be aware of how easy it is to fall into the trap of linking fitness to how good you look, which results in training based on ego not health. This singular pursuit of aesthetics often leaves overall health lagging way behind, if not completely forgotten. The goal of the everyday athlete should be long-term, sustainable fitness that supports the continued pursuit of overall health.
The key to life as an everyday athlete is to open your mind and stretch beyond your comfort zone. If you’re not being challenged or intentionally pushing yourself beyond the realm of things that are familiar, then the experiences you’re having are no longer changing you.
So, if you’re 30 years old or over, and you are looking to begin your journey as an everyday athlete, we have developed the Strength Matters System.
The system is designed to help everyday athletes over 30 lose weight, get stronger, and live better. It is a tried-and-true system that’s been rigorously tested over the past decade to take individuals from novices to advanced levels of everyday athleticism, sometimes even elite levels of athleticism. The system combines strength training, aerobic training, and mobility training without sacrificing your overall health.
The system is divided into four equally important areas: health, movement, strength, and cardio. Adhering to this fitness model will satisfy your current and future needs, not by rushing to HIIT or power lifting and certainly not by trying to fix everything at once. Health always comes first, followed by movement, strength, and cardio.
At Strength Matters, we believe there is a better way for people over thirty to do health and fitness - a more intelligent, more sustainable, long-term approach that allows us to live life to the fullest means, well into our senior years. We’re obsessively passionate about fitness, and our mission is to help people over thirty achieve their maximum athletic potential without sacrificing their health.”
If you’d like to find out more, visit www.strengthmatters.com